New Photos Added Nov 2009
I’ve added a bunch of new photos to the website, including a pictures from trip to the tattoo shop, nature & landscape images, and, of course, pictures of dogs.
A trip to the tattoo shop
A big shout out to Justin Shaw of Faith Tattoo in Santa Rosa, CA, who let me photograph him at work creating a tattoo. My wife has been wanting an ankle tattoo for years, and finally took the plunge. Justin took her ideas of what she wanted and created a custom tattoo of just what she had imagined.
The photography for me was pretty different than my normal work, with extensive use of flashes to create the lighting. I used a Nikon SB-800 strobe in an umbrella for the main light, and another SB-800 behind Justin for rim lighting. Both were triggered wirelessly with the built-in flash of a Nikon D300 on commander mode, which let me remotely adjust the power of each flash as I went. Very cool.
Eastern Sierra
Another recent highlight was a camping trip to the Eastern Sierra Nevada in California, where we attempted to camp with two dogs for the first time. Here’s a tip: two adults and two full-size dogs do not fit in a two person tent. (And make sure to bring a towel – check out the shot of the muddy dog outside the tent. Not pretty.)
We had a great trip nonetheless, with stops in the Wolf Creek area of Toiyabe National Forest, and Highland Lakes in Stanislaus National Forest.
Half Moon Bay
There are also a group of pictures from Half Moon Bay, on the bluffs at Pillar Point. The wildflowers were out and the sky was typically foggy, which is a great combo for photos. I was able to get some photos of lupine, walking the dogs, and pictures of dogs among the wildflowers.