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nature photography

Alaska is Calling: New Video Project

Alaska has always been on my bucket list of places to go — what better location for someone who loves being in the outdoors? But there was always somewhere a little closer, or a little less expensive to travel to. Or when time and budget weren’t major factors, then Alaska wasn’t that far away after all — we could get there some …

Swimming With Stingrays in Bahia de los Angeles

A travel essay I wrote a few years ago about a trip to Baja California in Mexico. In Bahia de los Angeles, on the gulf coast of Baja California, there are no signs to warn you about the stingrays. In the United States, a ubiquity of signs alert one to the variety of dangers faced in daily life: deer crossing the …

Don’t Like the Photo? Wait Five Minutes

There’s a saying in the mountains: If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes – it’ll change. As photographers, we often need to wait for a photograph to come together; sometimes it only takes a few seconds, sometimes a few days. But whether we’re waiting for a storm to pass, a moment to happen, or light to break over …

Photographing Costa Rica: Boca Tapada

Part 4 of a 4-part travelogue from Costa Rica The problem wasn’t so much that Dakota had capsized his kayak in a river filled with 10’ crocodiles, or even that he was now soaking wet with hours yet to paddle; it was that he had lost his binoculars. A 30-second vignette of Boca Tapada, Costa Rica (with some footage from …

Photographing Costa Rica: Arenal

Part 3 of a 4-part travelogue from Costa Rica “Five hanging bridges . . . 2.25 miles of gorgeous trails . . . cloudy and calm . . . 1:00pm . . . yeah, we were going to run out of time.” — from Carol’s journal. A 34-second vignette of Arenal, Costa Rica The map said the Sendero Las Cateratas (Trail of …

Photographing Costa Rica: Monteverde

Part 2 of a 4-part travelogue from Costa Rica The first thing we noticed was the wind. A cold, howling, grab-a-fencepost-so-you-don’t-fall-over kind of wind. My first photography hero, Galen Rowell, wrote in his book Mountain Light: “A flower photographer’s hell is a place of tremendous beauty . . . in continuously perfect light where a gentle breeze blows eternally, making …