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Christmas, Half Moon Bay Style

During the holidays, people everywhere put up lights and decorations. Yet there are still regional differences that can make the displays unique. Take the habit of Arizonans dressing up their cacti. The folks in Half Moon Bay, California, don’t have any cacti, but they do having fishing boats. And down at Pillar Point Harbor, there’s a tradition of stringing lights …

Featured Photo: Christmas Cactus

You have to understand that the holiday season in Tucson Arizona is not quite the traditional environment of snowy wreaths and hot chocolate. Daytime temps can be in the 80s, and nary a cloud is in the sky. So people get creative. Take the habit of dressing up cacti. Saguaros, those classic cacti with the arms, are easily anthropomorphized (especially …

Featured Photo: Luminarias in Tubac Arizona

In the American Southwest, luminarias are a traditional form of Christmas lights, made by placing a candle in a paper bag weighted down with a little sand. (They now have electric versions, for those leery of putting a lit candle in a paper bag.) You can find luminaria displays throughout the Southwest, and we found these during an annual Luminaria …